In Studio Yoga for Bone Health
Thinning bones are a fact of life for every person over 40. But you can increase your bone density and improve your bone health at any age, preventing or even reversing osteoporosis—and yoga is the best way to do so. NYC’s Dr. Loren Fishman, Beverly’s mentor, has been at the forefront of the medical research proving yoga’s beneficial effect on bone density. When practiced according to his protocol, yoga can build bone mass and prevent osteoporotic fractures. It can also do so much more: With regular practice, you will become stronger and more balanced, in both your body and mind. We will practice traditional yoga poses proven to best stimulate bone growth, stay clear of poses that are inadvisable, and focus on form to avoid mistakes that could lead to injury. This will be a gentle practice, but that doesn’t mean easy—you will use your muscles and test your balance! Please practice near a wall or piece of furniture for aid in balance.