Stretch & Mobility
Strength training

Stretch & Mobility

Fri Mar 21 | 7:15 PM UTC | 45 min

This class is designed for anyone who wants to increase flexibility, gain overall strength, educate themselves about injury prevention, develop mind-body connection, and reverse the aging process. Stretching and strength, which often get pushed aside due to time restraints and lack of knowledge. We will unlock your body's potential and take you to a new level of mobility, confidence, and self-care in this class. Not only do muscles get weaker with age, but if they do not get enough exercise they also become tighter over time. You can avoid this stiffening effect as you continue to stretch. Because you can improve your flexibility at any age, this class is designed for all ages of adults. Modifications will be given for those more or less flexible. Do your body a favor and claim your spot in this class- you will feel the benefits!

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