Group Pilates Reformer
Strength training

Group Pilates Reformer

Fri Mar 21 | 11:00 AM UTC | 1 hr

The Pilates Reformer is a spring loaded carriage that provides light-to-heavy resistance in various planes of movement. This class is great compliment to any fitness routine and appropriate for any fitness level. Because of the unique movement repertoire, previous Pilates Reformer experience is required prior to joining group class. Pilates on the Reformer is designed to strengthen deep abdominals, back, and hip muscles as well as strengthen and stretch the entire body. Small class size makes for a semi-private environment where each client will receive individualized attention to ensure correct form & movement. Duration: 60 minutes *Prerequisite: Confirm your previous Reformer experience or take our Intro To Pilates Reformer Series (2-sessions scheduled privately based upon your availability paired with one of our instructors) email for more information

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